Saturday 26 June 2010

Welcome to Green Guardians Unite!

Our wealth and the basis of our life is the gift which is provided to us by our planet Earth. Our Creator has given each and every one of us a small area of this nourishing planet which we can call home.We need to take care of our home and of our Mother Earth.

Saving the planet and taking care of our Earth is a responsibility which we all carry on our mortal shoulders. Each individual on this living planet needs to take time every morning to count our blessing for having the privilege of living on this wonderful world we call our earthly home.

In this the 21st century, the environment and ecological care and protection have reached centre-stage and now mankind realizes that we have the power and the responsibility to take care of our green and blue world.
There can never be enough done to save our planet and our environment. We all need to be constantly reminded that the preservation of our environment for future generations lies in our hands today.
Start saving the planet today and join the increasing brigade of Earth's Green Guardians! We can Save Earth Tomorrow, when Green Guardians Unite Today!

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